Fall in love with 99 French quotes is available in paperback format and in PDF!
For beginners, French culture is not easily accessible. That’s why I tried to find a way to share my love for France and French culture, and now spread modestly the famous French quotes (from writers, philosophers, artists, actors, …).
In the learning process of any language, culture is very important but also very connected to the language structure. I remember my math teacher once said to me “We don’t care about maths… What’s interesting is to make a connection between maths and other subjects.”. And I really think she was right.
There is no point in learning French without learning French culture.
« Fall in Love with 99 French Quotes » includes famous love quotes from famous French people like Napoléon, Victor Hugo, Voltaire, but also more actual French artists like comedians, actors. They all share their point of view about love.

The quotes are in French and also translated in English. I think it is a good way for some of you to acquire new French vocabulary.
Saint Exupéry and Victor Hugo’s are my favorite:
« Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction. »
Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.
Saint Exupéry
« On passe une moitié de sa vie à attendre ceux qu’on aimera et l’autre moitié à quitter ceux qu’on aime. »
We spend half of our life waiting for those who we will love and the other half forgetting those who we have loved.
Victor Hugo
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