
21-Les 1001 façons de désigner quelqu’un en français NSFW

désigner designate monsieur Tout le monde Mister Average madame Michu  Mrs. Average beaufs rednecks grossière rude raffinée   refined kéké   show-off péjorative   pejorative envier envy argot   slang parigot parisian coincée   uptight Bouseux Bouseux plouc   redneck glandu   glandu naze   crap clochard hobo vulgarité vulgarity con   idiot vulgaire vulgar connard   asshole Affectif   Affective rigoler   to laugh diminutifs diminutives […]

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20-Les jeux de mots des salons de coiffure

humoristes comedians coiffeurs hairdressers jeux de mots pun salons de coiffure  hair salons tirés par les cheveux far-fetched à haute voix aloud rire laugh drôle   funny vétérinaire veterinarian dérouler   unfold sédatif   sedative tif   hair coupe-tif    hairdresser tranquillisant   tranquilizer lourd heavy amusants fun intérêt   interest concours   competition coïncidence   coincidence devanture storefront courant d’air    air flow claquer  

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19-La troncation en français

troncation   truncation barbare barbaric raccourcir shorten l’apocope   the apocope syllabes   syllables ciné   cinema baccalauréat baccalaureate abréger shorten manifestations   demonstrations l’aphérèse apheresis argotique slang suffixes   suffixes adolescent teenager clochard hobo SDF (sans domicile fixe) Homeless verlanisé verlanized verlan back slang rigoler  laugh lexicale lexical redouble  redoubles vulgaire vulgar drôle  funny s’ennuyer  to be bored    

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18 – Un weekend à Budapest en Hongrie

vadrouiller wander pas à côté far vol flight veille day before du change exchange néo banque neo bank surtaxé surcharge entre guillemets quote unquote de dingue crazy bureaux de change currency exchange office monnaie cash souci worry devises currencies enterrement de vie de jeune fille (EVJF) bachelorette party (hen party) rejoindre join témoin witness billets

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17 – Les Jeux Olympiques 2024 à Paris

Link of the article: https://www.journaldugeek.com/2024/04/23/jo-2024-voici-les-lieux-ou-le-qr-code-sera-obligatoire-pour-se-deplacer/ inquiétudes concerns prêts ready accueillir to welcome participants participants événement event enjeux challenges logistiques logistics saturée saturated mégapoles megacities ampleur scale rajoute adds cible target attentat attack fondées founded être à la hauteur be up to the task appréhension apprehension se dérouler unfold estivale summer l’hydratation hydration chamboulée turned upside

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16 – La recette du fondant au chocolat

fondant melting gourmand delicious farine flour moule mould pyrex pyrex frigo fridge couvercle lid ronds round ustensile utensil saladier salad bowl fouet whisk maryse rubber spatula casserole pan fondre melt préchauffer preheat ventilation ventilation thermostat thermostat morceaux pieces tablette bar carrés squares astuce tips spatule spatula embout the tip of silicone silicone transvasez decant accrocher

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Speak in a more natural way and use French slang the correct way!

Are you struggling to understand native French speakers and feeling embarrassed about not being able to speak the language in a more natural way? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Learning a new language can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the different levels of speech. “Formal To Slang – 3 Levels of Fluency

Speak in a more natural way and use French slang the correct way! Read More »

Master the Secrets of French Slang and Impress Your Friends!

French slang, also known as argot, is a unique aspect of the French language that adds color and personality to everyday conversation. French slang words, also referred to as verlan, are a way for French speakers to communicate in a more informal and relaxed manner. While it may seem intimidating to outsiders, learning French slang

Master the Secrets of French Slang and Impress Your Friends! Read More »

“Unleash Your Inner Francophile with the Authentic Slang Vocabulary”

French slang, or “verlan,” is the cool and quirky way French people speak to each other in their daily chats. This type of language is popular among the younger crowd and isn’t considered proper French. While some French slang words are famous, others are more obscure and only known to certain groups. Verlan is the

“Unleash Your Inner Francophile with the Authentic Slang Vocabulary” Read More »